Current News and Practice Information

July 2023 – Montana Administrative Register (MAR) 24-159-93

*Sample Comments/Talking Points for Submission to the MT Board of Nursing* 

As a professional nurse: 

I do not support elimination of continuing education requirements for all nurses. 

I do not support elimination of pharmacology continuing education for APRNs. 

I do not support the MT Board of Nursing (MT BON)/MT Department of Labor (DOL) statement that lessening continuing education requirements will ensure competent practice and maintain public protection. 

I do not support the BON/DOL statement that continuing education poses “unnecessarily burdensome regulations”, it is not a burden but rather a professional responsibility and per ANA Code of Ethics, to ensure competent practice. 



I do support expansion of rules to allow a variety of options to demonstrate evidence of maintaining competence.

I do support the MT BON to regulate and validate nurses are continuing to practice safely and one mechanism to do this must be through continuing education and professional development.

I do support expanding these rules to provide a variety of opportunities for nurses to demonstrate evidence of maintaining competence thereby providing the BON with evidence to fulfill their obligation to protect the public.