Category: Current News and Practice Information

Nursing on the Frontlines: A Tribute to Nurses During Hurricane Season

Nursing on the Frontlines: A Tribute to Nurses During Hurricane Season and the Call for Hurricane Relief

As hurricane season sweeps across parts of the United States, from the Gulf Coast to the Eastern Seaboard, a dedicated group of professionals stands at the ready to provide critical care: nurses. These unsung heroes step into action when natural disasters strike, balancing their duty to their communities with their personal hardships. Their resilience, compassion, and unwavering commitment are nothing short of extraordinary.

The Role of Nurses During Hurricanes

In hurricane-prone regions, nurses are often the first responders in both hospitals and emergency shelters. As winds intensify and floodwaters rise, they work tirelessly to ensure their patients receive the care they need, often under extreme conditions. Whether providing emergency medical treatment or managing chronic illnesses in makeshift environments, nurses continue to serve in the face of uncertainty.

Some of the unique challenges nurses face during hurricanes include:

  • Resource Scarcity: Power outages, damaged infrastructure, and limited supplies can make providing care difficult. Nurses must adapt, using creativity and expertise to work with what they have.
  • High Patient Volumes: Hospitals and shelters can become overwhelmed with people needing care—those injured by the storm and those with pre-existing medical conditions exacerbated by the disaster.
  • Personal Sacrifices: Many nurses stay on duty during hurricanes despite knowing their own homes and families may be at risk. Their dedication to their patients often comes at great personal cost.

Yet, despite these hardships, nurses continue to embody the true spirit of caregiving, often working double shifts, staying in hospitals, and sleeping only briefly between emergencies.

How Nurses Help Hurricane Relief Efforts

Beyond the immediate impact of the storm, the aftermath of a hurricane is often just as devastating. Recovery can take weeks or even months. Nurses play a critical role in the relief efforts by:

  • Volunteering at Shelters: Many nurses volunteer in emergency shelters, providing medical assessments, vaccinations, and emotional support to displaced families.
  • Public Health Outreach: In the wake of natural disasters, there’s often a surge in public health issues like waterborne diseases or mental health crises. Nurses educate communities on safe practices and assist in administering vaccines and treatments.
  • Mental Health Support: Trauma from hurricanes can leave long-lasting emotional scars. Nurses offer comfort, a listening ear, and resources for mental health care in the weeks following a storm.

How You Can Support Hurricane Relief Efforts from Afar

Even if you’re not in a region directly affected by hurricanes, there are still many impactful ways to contribute to relief efforts and support the nurses on the frontlines:

  1. Donate to Trusted Relief Organizations: Financial contributions can have a huge impact. Donate to reputable organizations like the American Red Cross, Direct Relief, or the Emergency Nurses Association Foundation. These funds are used to provide medical supplies, shelter, food, and other vital resources to those affected.
  2. Participate in Virtual Fundraisers: Many organizations and communities organize online fundraisers or charity drives to support hurricane relief. You can participate in or even host virtual events to raise awareness and donations.
  3. Purchase Supplies via Online Wish Lists: Some relief organizations and local shelters post online wish lists where you can purchase essential supplies like medical kits, hygiene products, and food items. These supplies are then shipped directly to areas in need.
  4. Offer Remote Services: If you have a skill that could help (such as mental health counseling, legal services, or fundraising expertise), consider offering your services remotely to organizations involved in hurricane recovery efforts.
  5. Raise Awareness: Use your online presence to share information about ongoing relief efforts, donate buttons, and other ways for people to get involved. Every share on social media helps spread the message and can drive support to those on the ground.

By taking action from wherever you are, you can play a vital role in helping hurricane-impacted communities and supporting the nurses and other first responders who are working tirelessly to save lives and rebuild.

A Salute to Nurses

As we reflect on the devastation caused by hurricanes, we must also take a moment to recognize the heroism of nurses who serve in the storm’s path. Their courage and sacrifice remind us that in the darkest of times, there are always those who rise to the challenge of helping others. Their work doesn’t end when the storm subsides—it continues in the rebuilding of lives and communities.

Let us support them, not only with gratitude but with action. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, we can all contribute to hurricane relief efforts and help those who help others—especially our dedicated nurses.

In the words of Florence Nightingale, “I attribute my success to this—I never gave or took any excuse.” And just like her, today’s nurses continue to serve, even in the face of nature’s most destructive forces. Let’s stand by their side.

Navigating Back to School: A Guide for Montana Nurses

Navigating Back to School: A Guide for Montana Nurses

As summer fades and the back-to-school season approaches, many of us are preparing for a shift in routines and responsibilities. For nurses in Montana, this period brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re working in a school setting or managing a healthcare practice, understanding how to effectively support students and families during this transition is crucial.

Embracing the Back-to-School Rush

Back-to-school season is an exciting yet busy time for everyone. For Montana nurses, it’s an opportunity to engage with students, parents, and educators to promote health and wellness. Here’s how you can make the most of this season:

1. Promote Health Screenings and Vaccinations

The start of a new school year is a prime time to remind families about essential health screenings and vaccinations. Ensure that students are up-to-date on required immunizations, such as flu shots and routine vaccines. Consider organizing or participating in school-based health fairs or clinics to make these services more accessible.

2. Address Common Health Concerns

With children spending more time indoors and in group settings, there’s an increase in the spread of common illnesses. Be proactive by educating families about the importance of hygiene, nutrition, and sleep. Offering resources on how to manage and prevent illnesses like colds and flu can make a significant difference in keeping students healthy.

3. Support Mental Health Awareness

The transition back to school can be stressful for some students. It’s essential to address mental health needs and provide support. Collaborate with school counselors and mental health professionals to develop programs that promote emotional well-being. Offering workshops or resources on coping strategies and stress management can be invaluable.

4. Encourage Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Help students and their families understand the importance of a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep. Simple interventions, like providing healthy snack ideas or organizing physical activity challenges, can encourage healthier lifestyles and improve overall well-being.

5. Foster Effective Communication

Establish clear lines of communication with schools, parents, and students. Keeping everyone informed about health policies, emergency procedures, and wellness initiatives helps create a cohesive support system. Consider using newsletters, social media, or school websites to share valuable health information.

6. Prepare for Emergencies

Ensure that you have updated emergency plans and protocols in place. Familiarize yourself with the specific needs of students with chronic conditions or special health requirements. Being prepared can make a significant difference in managing health issues that may arise during the school year.

Building Strong Community Connections

Back-to-school time is more than just a change in schedule; it’s an opportunity to strengthen connections within our communities. By working collaboratively with educators, parents, and students, Montana nurses can make a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of those we serve.

In the spirit of community and care, let’s embrace this back-to-school season with enthusiasm and dedication. Together, we can ensure a successful and healthy start to the school year for all our students.

Stay tuned to the Montana Nurses Association for more updates and resources to support you throughout the school year.

Celebrating Nurses: The Heart of Montana’s Workforce on Labor Day

Celebrating Nurses: The Heart of Montana’s Workforce on Labor Day

Labor Day is a time to honor the incredible contributions of all workers who drive our nation forward. Among them, nurses stand out as essential pillars of healthcare, providing critical care, compassion, and expertise to Montanans every day. Today, we celebrate the dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment of nurses across Montana.

Nurses: The Backbone of Healthcare

Nurses are on the frontlines of healthcare, often working long hours, navigating complex medical situations, and providing comfort and care to patients and their families. In Montana, nurses play a particularly vital role due to the unique challenges our state presents, from serving in rural areas to handling healthcare needs in diverse communities.

Recent data highlights the essential role nurses play in the healthcare system. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nursing remains one of the fastest-growing professions in the U.S., with a projected growth rate of 6% from 2021 to 2031. This trend is even more significant in Montana, where nurses are essential to bridging healthcare gaps, especially in underserved and rural areas (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023).

Montana Nurses: Rising to the Challenge

Montana’s nurses have faced extraordinary challenges over the past few years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their dedication, resilience, and commitment to patient care have been nothing short of heroic. From working on the front lines of a global pandemic to managing chronic illnesses and emergency care in local communities, Montana nurses have proven their mettle time and again.

The American Nurses Association (ANA) recently reported that nurses continue to face significant stress, burnout, and staffing shortages. Yet, they remain committed to providing high-quality care and advocating for their patients. Montana nurses exemplify this spirit, continuously adapting and rising to the occasion, demonstrating their unparalleled strength and dedication (American Nurses Association, 2023).

The Importance of Supporting Our Nurses

As we celebrate Labor Day, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of supporting our nurses. According to a report from the Montana Hospital Association, nurse retention and recruitment are critical issues facing our healthcare system today. Competitive wages, supportive work environments, and opportunities for professional development are essential to retain and attract the best talent (Montana Hospital Association, 2023).

The Montana Nurses Association (MNA) remains committed to advocating for policies that protect and support our nurses. This includes pushing for safe staffing ratios, fair compensation, and access to mental health resources. We are proud to stand with our nurses, advocating for their rights and ensuring they have the resources and support they need to continue their vital work.

A Heartfelt Thank You

On this Labor Day, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all nurses in Montana. Your dedication, compassion, and hard work make a difference in the lives of so many. You are the heart of healthcare in our state, and we honor and celebrate you today and every day.

To all our nurses: Thank you for all that you do.


  • Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2023). Employment Projections for Registered Nurses. U.S. Department of Labor.
  • American Nurses Association. (2023). Nursing Workforce Challenges and Solutions.
  • Montana Hospital Association. (2023). State of Healthcare in Montana: Focus on Nursing.

Celebrating Excellence: The Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award in Honor of Trudy Malone

Celebrating Excellence: The Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award in Honor of Trudy Malone

The Montana Nurses Association (MNA) proudly presents the Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award, a prestigious recognition bestowed upon a nurse who exemplifies the highest standards of nursing practice and leadership. This award holds special significance as it honors the legacy of Trudy Malone, a remarkable nurse whose contributions to the field have left an indelible mark on healthcare in Montana.

Who Was Trudy Malone?

Trudy Malone was not just a nurse; she was a visionary leader, a compassionate caregiver, and a tireless advocate for patient rights and nursing excellence. Throughout her career, Trudy demonstrated an unwavering commitment to improving patient care and advancing the nursing profession. Her dedication, passion, and innovative spirit continue to inspire nurses across Montana and beyond.

Trudy was instrumental in developing patient-centered care models that are now standard practice in many healthcare facilities. Her approach focused on treating patients holistically, considering their physical, emotional, and social needs. As a respected educator, Trudy taught and mentored countless nursing students, shaping the future of nursing in Montana. She was known for her ability to inspire and challenge her students, instilling in them the same passion and dedication she carried.

A powerful advocate for nursing and healthcare reform, Trudy played a crucial role in lobbying for better working conditions for nurses, including fair wages, safe staffing levels, and professional development opportunities. Her efforts led to significant policy changes that improved the quality of care for patients and the working environment for nurses. Trudy was also deeply involved in community health initiatives, organizing and participating in numerous health fairs, vaccination drives, and educational workshops, making healthcare more accessible to underserved populations.

Over the course of her career, Trudy received numerous awards and accolades, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Montana Nurses Association and the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Healthcare. These honors reflect her outstanding contributions and the high regard in which she was held by her peers.

The Essence of the Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award

The Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award recognizes a nurse who mirrors the qualities that Trudy Malone embodied. This includes:

  1. Exemplary Patient Care: Providing exceptional, compassionate care that goes above and beyond the call of duty.
  2. Leadership and Mentorship: Demonstrating strong leadership skills and mentoring the next generation of nurses.
  3. Advocacy: Actively advocating for the rights and well-being of patients and the nursing profession.
  4. Innovation: Implementing innovative practices that improve patient outcomes and nursing practices.
  5. Community Involvement: Engaging in community service and contributing to the betterment of public health.

Honoring Trudy Malone’s Legacy

Trudy Malone’s influence extended far beyond the walls of any hospital or clinic. Her advocacy efforts led to significant policy changes that improved working conditions for nurses and healthcare access for patients. By naming this award after her, the Montana Nurses Association ensures that her legacy continues to inspire and guide future generations of nurses.

Call to Action: Nominate a Distinguished Nurse

Do you know a nurse who embodies the qualities of excellence, compassion, and leadership that Trudy Malone stood for? The Montana Nurses Association invites you to nominate an outstanding nurse for the Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award. This is your opportunity to recognize and honor the dedicated professionals who make a significant difference in the lives of their patients and in the nursing community.

To submit a nomination, visit the Montana Nurses Association website and complete the nomination form. Share stories and examples of how the nominee has demonstrated exemplary patient care, leadership, advocacy, innovation, and community involvement. Your nomination helps continue the legacy of Trudy Malone, inspiring and celebrating the exceptional contributions of nurses across Montana.

Register here:


  • Montana Nurses Association. (n.d.). Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award. Retrieved from MNA Official Website
  • Personal Interviews with Colleagues and Students of Trudy Malone (2023)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award Announcement, Montana Nurses Association (2020)
  • Governor’s Award for Excellence in Healthcare, State of Montana (2018)

The Impact of Fire Season on Nursing in Montana

The Impact of Fire Season on Nursing in Montana

Montana, known for its vast wilderness and natural beauty, faces a harsh reality every year: fire season. The period typically spans from late spring through early autumn, bringing with it a host of challenges for residents and professionals alike. Among the many individuals profoundly affected are nurses, who play a crucial role in managing the health implications of these wildfires. This blog post explores how fire season impacts nursing in Montana, highlighting the unique challenges faced by healthcare providers and the resilience required to overcome them.

The Health Risks of Wildfires

Wildfires pose significant health risks, primarily due to the smoke they generate. Smoke from wildfires contains a mix of gases and fine particles from burning vegetation and other materials. Exposure to this smoke can cause a range of health issues, including:

  • Respiratory problems (asthma, bronchitis, and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Eye irritation
  • Throat irritation
  • Reduced lung function
  • Increased risk of infections

These health concerns are particularly pronounced for vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions.

Increased Patient Load

During fire season, hospitals and clinics in Montana often see a surge in patients experiencing respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Nurses are on the front lines, providing care to individuals affected by smoke inhalation and related issues. This increased patient load requires nurses to be highly adaptable, as they must manage a variety of acute and chronic conditions exacerbated by the smoky conditions.

Emergency Response and Preparedness

Nurses play a vital role in emergency response efforts during fire season. They are often involved in:

  • Triage and stabilization of patients in emergency settings
  • Coordination with emergency medical services (EMS)
  • Implementation of evacuation plans for healthcare facilities if fires threaten hospital infrastructure
  • Providing first aid and basic healthcare at evacuation centers

This aspect of nursing during fire season demands quick thinking, efficient decision-making, and the ability to perform under pressure.

Supporting Firefighters

Nurses also play an essential role in supporting the firefighters battling these blazes. Firefighters face intense physical exertion, prolonged exposure to smoke, and the constant risk of injury. Nurses provide critical care, ensuring these frontline heroes receive the medical attention they need. This includes:

  • Treating injuries such as burns, cuts, and sprains
  • Managing dehydration and heat exhaustion
  • Monitoring and treating respiratory issues caused by prolonged smoke exposure
  • Offering mental health support to help firefighters cope with the stress and trauma associated with their demanding work

By keeping firefighters healthy and ready for duty, nurses directly contribute to the effectiveness of the firefighting efforts and the safety of communities at risk.

Mental Health Challenges

The stress and anxiety associated with wildfires can take a toll on both patients and healthcare providers. Nurses must not only manage their own stress but also support their patients’ mental health needs. This can involve:

  • Providing reassurance and psychological first aid to anxious patients
  • Referring patients to mental health services when necessary
  • Maintaining a calm and composed demeanor to help alleviate fear and uncertainty

Protective Measures and Personal Safety

Nurses must take extra precautions to protect their own health during fire season. This includes:

  • Wearing N95 masks or respirators to reduce smoke inhalation
  • Ensuring proper ventilation in healthcare facilities
  • Taking breaks to avoid prolonged exposure to smoke
  • Staying informed about air quality levels and fire developments

Balancing personal safety with patient care is a delicate but essential task for nurses during this time.

Community Outreach and Education

Education and prevention are key components of nursing care during fire season. Nurses often engage in community outreach to:

  • Educate the public about the health risks of wildfire smoke
  • Provide information on how to reduce exposure to smoke
  • Distribute resources such as masks and air purifiers
  • Encourage individuals with respiratory conditions to keep medications on hand and follow their treatment plans

By empowering the community with knowledge, nurses help mitigate the health impacts of wildfires.


Fire season in Montana presents a unique set of challenges for nurses, requiring them to be adaptable, resilient, and resourceful. From managing increased patient loads and participating in emergency response efforts to supporting firefighters, addressing mental health needs, and protecting their own well-being, nurses are essential to the health and safety of their communities during these difficult times. Their dedication and hard work underscore the critical role of nursing in disaster response and public health.

Embracing the Future of Nursing: Insights from Key Nursing Statistics

Embracing the Future of Nursing: Insights from Key Nursing Statistics

The landscape of nursing is evolving rapidly, with a wealth of new statistics shedding light on the profession’s current state and future directions. For Montana nurses, these insights offer valuable perspectives on industry trends, workforce challenges, and opportunities for growth.

The Growing Demand for Nurses

One of the most striking trends is the increasing demand for nurses across the United States. According to recent statistics, the employment of registered nurses (RNs) is projected to grow by 7% from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is driven by an aging population and a greater emphasis on preventive care​ (RN Start)​​ (RN Start)​.

In Montana, this trend is particularly relevant. Rural areas often face significant healthcare challenges, including shortages of medical professionals. This makes the role of nurses even more critical in providing accessible and high-quality care to communities across the state.

The Shift Toward Advanced Practice

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) are playing an increasingly vital role in the healthcare system. These nurses, who have obtained a Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), are trained to take on more specialized and autonomous roles. The four recognized APRN roles include Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs), and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs)​ (RN Start)​​ (RN Start)​.

For Montana nurses, pursuing advanced practice roles can lead to greater career opportunities and the ability to provide more comprehensive care. The state’s healthcare facilities greatly benefit from the expertise and leadership that APRNs bring, particularly in underserved areas.

Addressing the Nursing Shortage

The nursing shortage remains a pressing issue nationwide. Factors contributing to this shortage include an aging nursing workforce, increased healthcare demands, and a limited capacity of nursing schools to accommodate students. In response, many nursing programs are expanding their offerings and implementing accelerated pathways to help fill the gap more quickly​ (RN Start)​.

Montana’s nursing community is actively working to address these challenges through initiatives aimed at attracting and retaining nursing talent. By supporting educational opportunities and creating a positive work environment, Montana can ensure a robust and resilient nursing workforce for the future.

Emphasizing Lifelong Learning

Continuous education and professional development are essential for nurses to stay current with medical advancements and evolving patient care standards. The push for lifelong learning is evident in the availability of various certification programs and advanced degrees. These programs not only enhance clinical skills but also open doors to leadership and specialized roles​ (RN Start)​​ (RN Start)​.

Montana nurses are encouraged to pursue ongoing education to maintain their competitive edge and improve patient outcomes. Institutions and professional organizations often provide resources and support for nurses seeking to advance their knowledge and careers.

Employment Statistics and Job Outlook

Employment statistics reveal a positive outlook for the nursing profession. As of 2023, the national average salary for RNs is $82,750 per year, with significant variations depending on specialization and location. For APRNs, the average salary is notably higher, standing at approximately $129,480 annually. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the demand for nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, and nurse midwives will grow by 38% through 2032, reflecting the increasing reliance on these roles to provide primary and specialized care​ (RN Start)​. In Montana, where healthcare access can be limited, these roles are especially crucial in ensuring that all residents receive quality care.


The latest nursing statistics underscore the dynamic nature of the nursing profession and highlight the critical need for skilled nurses, particularly in states like Montana. By understanding these trends and embracing opportunities for advancement and education, Montana nurses can continue to provide exceptional care and meet the growing healthcare demands of their communities.

For more detailed information on nursing statistics and trends, you can visit (RN Start)​​ (RN Start)​.

Healing the Healer: The Benefits of Nurse Coaching for Nurses and Healthcare Facilities

Healing the Healer: The Benefits of Nurse Coaching for Nurses and Healthcare Facilities

In a 2021 survey, nurses reported high-stress levels: 81% reported feeling exhausted, 71% reported feeling overwhelmed, and 65% reported being anxious or unable to relax. Unfortunately, these emotions are familiar to most nurses at some point in their careers.

As the healthcare industry rapidly evolves, it confronts new challenges and opportunities daily. One pressing area of focus is nurse coaching, an innovative approach designed to support and empower nurses in their personal growth and professional development. Nurse coaches, operate in various settings, work with diverse clients, not just nurses, to help them achieve lasting change and become their best selves. This article delves into the urgent need for nurse coaching in modern healthcare, exploring its benefits for individual nurses and healthcare facilities.

What is Nurse Coaching?

Nurse coaching is a proactive, holistic, theory-based approach that fosters a supportive partnership between coaches and nurses to enhance personal well-being and career satisfaction. This method utilizes the nursing process centered on the client’s current and future goals. Additionally, it can explore the past to identify and address unhealthy patterns that may hinder progress and change.

With their unique and valuable attributes, nurse coaches are exceptionally well-suited to work with their colleagues. Their deep understanding of the clinical environment allows them to relate to their peers’ daily challenges and complexities. This intimate knowledge of clinical settings is complemented by their clinical insight and extensive experience, enabling them to provide relevant and practical guidance.

The holistic approach of nurse coaches addresses physical, emotional, and mental health, ensuring that nurses prioritize their well-being and deliver top-quality patient care. This dual focus on nurse and patient well-being is a testament to the far-reaching benefits of nurse coaching.

Nurse coaches have developed specialized coaching skills. Their coaching expertise allows them to facilitate meaningful conversations, set achievable goals, and develop strategies for overcoming obstacles.

Furthermore, nurse coaches are passionate advocates for nurses and the well-being of the patients they care for. Their advocacy is rooted in a profound commitment to improving healthcare outcomes and ensuring that nurses receive the support they need to thrive in their roles.

Benefits for Individual Nurses

Nursing is a high-stress profession with extended hours and emotionally demanding situations.

Nurse coaches provide:

● A safe, confidential space for nurses to be seen and heard.

● Tools and strategies to create a balanced life.

● Help in building resilience and avoiding burnout.

● Promote self-care.

● Personalized guidance and mentorship for career growth.

● Assist in setting boundaries.

● Emotional Support.

● Enhance communication and conflict resolution skills.

Common areas explored, but are not limited to, during coaching sessions include:

● Time management

● Restorative sleep

● Effective communication

● Setting boundaries

● Healthy nutrition

● Purposeful movement

● Stress management

● Social connections/activities

Coaching helps nurses reconnect with their passion for healthcare and create a healthier lifestyle, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their roles within and outside the workplace.

Benefits for Healthcare Facilities

High turnover rates and burnout among nursing staff are significant concerns for healthcare facilities. Nurse burnout is associated with worsening safety and quality of care, decrease patient satisfaction, and reduced organizational commitment and productivity. Nurse coaching addresses these issues by getting to the root cause and providing nurses with techniques, resources, and support to manage stress effectively and build resilience. One study found that “the average cost of turnover for a bedside RN is $56,300. Each percent change in RN turnover will cost/save the average hospital an additional $262,500/yr”. When nurses feel valued and supported, they are more likely to remain with their current employers.

Nurse coaches are uniquely equipped to lead or participate in wellness teams supporting the largest employee population’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They can lead stress reduction, mindfulness, and resilience-building workshops, helping employees manage stress and improve their mental health. Additionally, they can identify early signs of mental health issues and provide appropriate referrals to mental health professionals.

Nurse coaches are not just wellness leaders; they are advocates for policies and practices that promote health, such as flexible work schedules, healthy food options, and on-site fitness facilities. Their expertise ensures that wellness programs align strategically with the organization’s goals and culture. This advocacy role fosters a sense of security and trust in the healthcare facility administrators and policymakers, knowing that the well-being of their staff and patients is being championed.

The Need for Change

We do not need research to understand the challenges in our profession. Still, research substantiates what we witness daily within the healthcare system and underscores the need for change to retain and support nurses.

The nurses I have personally coached often come to me feeling  stressed, lacking a healthy work-life balance, and unsure if they want to continue working as nurses. However, after working with me, they find they enjoy their jobs again because they receive the much-needed support in a safe, confidential environment. This relief from their burdens is a testament to the power of nurse coaching.

Ultimately, every healthcare facility aims to provide patients with the best care possible. Investing in nurse coaching ensures that the nursing staff is not only highly skilled and motivated but also capable of delivering exceptional care. This commitment to nurse coaching instills confidence in healthcare professionals and administrators, who know they are providing the best possible care to their patients.

Tana Steiner BSN, RN, NC-BC

Holistic Nurse Coach



2. Impact of stress and burnout on nursing


4. Nurse coaching and wellness

Help Us Make This Blog the Best Resource for Nurses in Montana!

Help Us Make This Blog the Best Resource for Nurses in Montana!

Hello Montana Nurses!

Welcome to the Montana Nurses Association (MNA) blog! We’re thrilled to have you here and are committed to making this blog your go-to resource for everything nursing in Montana. Whether you’re a seasoned nurse or just starting your career, we want to ensure that our content meets your needs and provides value to you.

Why Your Input Matters

Your feedback is crucial to us. As frontline healthcare professionals, you have unique insights and experiences that can guide us in creating relevant and helpful content. By sharing your suggestions and ideas, you help shape a blog that truly reflects the needs and interests of Montana’s nursing community.

How Can You Contribute?

We’d love to hear from you on various aspects of this blog, including:

1. Topics to Cover

  • What issues are most pressing in your daily work?

  • Are there specific topics you’d like more information on?

  • What trends or challenges in nursing are you interested in learning about?

2. Types of Content

  • Would you prefer more in-depth articles, quick tips, or multimedia content like videos and infographics?

  • Do you enjoy personal stories from fellow nurses, or do you prefer research-based content and industry news?

3. Engagement and Interactivity

  • What kinds of interactive elements would you like to see? (e.g., Q&A sessions, webinars, live chats)

  • How can we make it easier for you to participate in discussions and share your own experiences?

4. Resources and Tools

  • Are there specific tools or resources that would make your job easier or your professional development more effective?

  • What formats do you find most helpful for guidelines, checklists, or best practice recommendations?

5. Feedback on Design and Usability

  • Is the blog easy to navigate? If not, what improvements would you suggest?

  • How can we make finding information faster and more intuitive?

How to Share Your Ideas

We’ve set up a few ways for you to provide feedback:

  • Comments Section: Leave your thoughts directly below this post on Facebook or Instagram.

  • Email Us: Send your suggestions to

Your input will help us tailor our content to better serve you and your colleagues across the state. We’re committed to continuous improvement and innovation, and your contributions are a vital part of this process.

Thank You!

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Together, we can create a blog that supports, informs, and inspires the nursing community in Montana. We look forward to hearing from you and making this blog a valuable resource for all Montana nurses.

Best regards,


The MNA Blog Team

Honoring the Sacrifice: A Memorial Day Tribute from the Montana Nurses Association

Honoring the Sacrifice: A Memorial Day Tribute from the Montana Nurses Association

As the warm sun rises over the vast and breathtaking landscapes of Montana, we at the Montana Nurses Association (MNA) pause to remember and honor the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Memorial Day is more than just a long weekend or a marker of the beginning of summer; it is a solemn occasion to reflect on the courage, dedication, and ultimate sacrifice of our fallen heroes.

Remembering Our Heroes

The essence of Memorial Day lies in its very name – a day of memorials, a day to remember. For us, this includes not only the valiant soldiers who fought on the frontlines but also the countless nurses who served alongside them. Nurses have been an integral part of military history, providing critical care in the most challenging and dangerous conditions.

From the battlefields of World War I and II, through the jungles of Vietnam, to the deserts of the Middle East, nurses have stood as beacons of hope and care. Their contributions often came at great personal risk, and many paid the ultimate price. Today, we honor their memory and the invaluable role they played in safeguarding the lives and well-being of countless soldiers.

The Legacy of Military Nurses

Military nurses have a storied history of resilience and compassion. Figures like Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross, and the nurses of World War II, who endured harsh conditions to provide care, are emblematic of this legacy. These individuals not only provided medical care but also brought comfort and humanity to the chaos of war.

Their legacy continues to inspire us today. Modern military nurses carry forward this tradition of excellence and dedication, often serving in conflict zones and disaster areas around the world. Their work exemplifies the highest standards of our profession and reminds us of the profound impact nurses have in every corner of the globe.

A Day of Reflection and Gratitude

As we gather with family and friends this Memorial Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of the day. Attend a local memorial service, visit a veterans’ cemetery, or simply take a quiet moment to remember those who have given their lives for our freedom. Let us also extend our gratitude to the families of the fallen, whose sacrifices are immeasurable.

For our nursing community, this day is also a reminder of the profound connection we share with the military. Many of our colleagues are veterans themselves, and many more have family members who have served. Their experiences enrich our community and remind us of the broader context in which we practice.

Moving Forward with Purpose

As we honor the past, we are also inspired to look forward with purpose. The values of courage, dedication, and service that define Memorial Day are the same values that guide our work as nurses. Whether we are providing care in a hospital, a community clinic, or a disaster zone, we carry with us the spirit of those who have served before us.

Let us commit to living these values every day, in every patient interaction, and in every act of care we provide. By doing so, we not only honor the memory of our fallen heroes but also ensure that their legacy of service and sacrifice continues to inspire future generations.


This Memorial Day, the Montana Nurses Association stands in solemn remembrance of all who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We honor the military nurses who served with unwavering courage and dedication, and we recommit ourselves to the values they embodied. May their memory inspire us to serve with compassion and excellence in all that we do.

In gratitude and remembrance,

Montana Nurses Association

Quick and Delicious Nutrient-Dense Meals for Busy Nurses: 4 Easy Recipes

Quick and Delicious Nutrient-Dense Meals for Busy Nurses: 4 Easy Recipes

Being a nurse is a demanding profession that often leaves little time for meal prep and planning.
However, prioritizing nutritious meals is essential for maintaining energy levels and overall
well-being during long shifts. To make things easier, we’ve curated four quick and delicious
recipes that are packed with nutrients, easy to prepare, and perfect for busy nurses on the go.

1. Mediterranean Chickpea Salad:
● Ingredients:
1. 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2. 1 cucumber, diced
3. 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
4. 1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced
5. 1/4 cup Kalamata olives, sliced
6. 2 tablespoons feta cheese, crumbled
7. 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
8. 1 tablespoon lemon juice
9. 1 teaspoon dried oregano
10. Salt and pepper to taste
● Instructions:
1. In a large bowl, combine chickpeas, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red
onion, and olives.
2. In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, dried oregano, salt,
and pepper.
3. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to combine.
4. Sprinkle crumbled feta cheese on top before serving.

2. Quinoa Vegetable Stir-Fry:
● Ingredients:
1. 1 cup quinoa, rinsed
2. 2 cups mixed vegetables (bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, etc.),
3. 1 tablespoon sesame oil
4. 2 cloves garlic, minced
5. 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
6. 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
7. 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (optional)
8. Sesame seeds for garnish
● Instructions:
1. Cook quinoa according to package instructions.

2. In a large skillet or wok, heat sesame oil over medium-high heat.
3. Add minced garlic and chopped vegetables to the skillet, and stir-fry for
5-7 minutes, or until vegetables are tender-crisp.
4. In a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, rice vinegar, and honey or
maple syrup.
5. Add cooked quinoa to the skillet along with the sauce, and toss to
6. Garnish with sesame seeds before serving.

3. Turkey and Hummus Wrap:
● Ingredients:
1. 4 whole wheat tortillas or wraps
2. 1/2 lb deli turkey slices
3. 1 cup hummus
4. 2 cups mixed salad greens
5. 1 cucumber, thinly sliced
6. 1 medium tomato, sliced
● Instructions:
1. Lay out tortillas on a flat surface.
2. Spread 1/4 cup of hummus evenly over each tortilla.
3. Layer turkey slices, mixed salad greens, cucumber slices, and tomato
slices on top of the hummus.
4. Roll up the tortillas tightly, slice in half if desired, and secure with
toothpicks for easy handling.
4. Sweet Potato and Black Bean Buddha Bowl:
● Ingredients:
1. 2 medium sweet potatoes, diced
2. 1 tablespoon olive oil
3. 1 teaspoon ground cumin
4. 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
5. Salt and pepper to taste
6. 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
7. 2 cups cooked quinoa or brown rice
8. 2 cups baby spinach or kale
9. Avocado slices for topping
10. Lime wedges for garnish
● Instructions:
1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
2. Toss diced sweet potatoes with olive oil, ground cumin, chili powder, salt,
and pepper on a baking sheet.
3. Roast sweet potatoes in the oven for 20-25 minutes, or until tender and
lightly browned.
4. Assemble bowls with cooked quinoa or brown rice, roasted sweet
potatoes, black beans, baby spinach or kale, and avocado slices.
5. Squeeze fresh lime juice over the bowls before serving.

With these four simple and nutritious recipes, busy nurses can enjoy delicious meals that fuel
their bodies and keep them energized throughout their demanding shifts. By prepping
ingredients in advance, focusing on nutrient-rich foods, and incorporating a variety of flavors
and textures, nurses can prioritize their health without sacrificing taste or convenience. Here’s to
happy and healthy eating, even on the busiest of days!